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Let's talk about how to
create a safe work place.
Manage Your Spaces
Count people as they move through entry points or open areas. Sensors anonymously count people as they enter your space. Workwatch keeps track of the number of people and makes sure you know when you are approaching capacity.

Keep People Informed
Everyone can make safer decisions about their day. Options are, real-time capacity status displays and messaging using on screen signage, SMS, Email and Mobile.

Analyze Activities and Results
Set your capacity thresholds and align them with your compliance policies. Monitor your space utilization and compliance in real time.

Clearly Communicate
On screen signage makes people aware of what your capacity limits are. By clearly communicating with your audience, you can more effectively manage your spaces and your policies.

Analyze Space Usage and Policy Compliance
ThingLogix is trusted by Governments, Financial Institutions, Fortune 100 businesses and Neighborhood schools.
Workwatch helps companies comply with back-to-work regulations and compliance policies.
Monitor occupancy of spaces and buildings with or without visitor identity.
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